
High-tech Filtration, Separation and Purification

Air, Gas and Venting Filtration

Liquid and Gas Coalescing Filter

LG coalescing filters protect downstream equipment and processes from compressor wear products, lubrication oil, water or other liquid droplets, corrosion products and other particulate contaminants, while reducing maintenance costs. These filter catridges are designed for critical air or gas service applications where high effciency removal of oil or water droplets and particulate solids.

Powder-Activated Carbon

This filter is used to remove oil vapor, organics, taste, and odor in compressor air.

Removal of Particles

They provide up to HEPA Quality air and gas filtration with hydrophobic polypropylene-graded density depth medium with superior flow rates, lower pressure drops, higher capacity and longer filter life. Removes absolute particle rated 0.3 micron.

Sterilizing-grade Filter Cartridge

They are designed to completely remove bacteria, viruses and particles from air and gas streams, even in the presence of humidity and moisture. Also retains 100% of Brevundimonas diminuta bacteria, bacteriophage and virus aerosols.

Metal Filter Cartridge

The metal filter cartridges are made from fine stainless steel powders sintered to form rugged high voids and fixed pore filters with high temperature, pressure and solvent resistance. Particle removal at: 0.4,0.8,1.3,11, 20,25,55,85,175, and 350 micron.